I didn’t know what to expect, it being my first Black Rock Day ever. As I mentioned this fact in the days before this past Sunday, the Black Rockers I’ve come to know as home consistently greeted me with excitement for everything I was about to experience. The entire community was stoked on having me be a part of their holiday.
Could this really be the best day of the year like they made it seem?
It fell on Flag Day, and so we wore our red, white, and blue, but it wasn’t a flag day celebration. There was a parade, but it wasn’t Memorial Day. There were no fireworks, cuz it wasn’t the 4th of July. But still, the people packed into Harborview, and the streets lined with folks for blocks. There was a road race and a bed race and a parade. There was a festival with music and games and local celebrities serving their famous food stuffs.
It was a holiday, simply for the sake of community. A day to celebrate the beauty that is Black Rock and the gems that make it that way.
So here’s to the first sunburn of the season and a community that celebrates often and celebrates well.